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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Williams Takes Commission Seat II

   Voters of the City of Lawrenceburg have selected Robin Williams to fill Commission Seat II on the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners.

   A run-off election was held Tuesday to fill the seat currently held by Commissioner Tim Dickey, who opted not to seek reelection.

   Candidate Robin Williams garnered a total of 770 votes during the May 1 City Election, while 538 voters chose to cast their votes for candidate William “Bid” Lindsey. With two other candidates in the race, however, Williams failed to gain the 51%of the vote required under city statutes.

   Unofficial totals show that during Tuesday’s vote, Williams garnered 723 votes to Lindsey’s 309.

   William’s term will begin at the first of the city’s 2007-2008 fiscal year, on July 1.
